Tuesday, September 02, 2008


For this tag I have to list 6 random things about me and then tag 6 other people. So here it goes!!

My perfumes: Revlon's Charlie (Ron's favorite) but I prefer to wear Vera Wang.

I started taking harp lessons last spring.

I am extremely uncomfortable being out in front of people, so I try to sit in the back row where ever I go. If I walk into a classroom and the chairs are arranged in a circle, I panic.

On the other hand, I am not afraid to speak in public, give talks, or teach lessons. (I have a purpose and reason to be in front)

The callings I have had the most are Primary Chorister (5 times), followed by Activities Chairman (3 times) and Ward Music Chairman (3 times).

I cannot run a spreadsheet program to save my life. I consider myself pretty computer savvy - but spreadsheets are impossible!

I tag my neices that blogstalk...

1 comment:

Amir B. said...

Hi Ron and Kim! How are you.. I found your link thru Bekahs.. How are you? How is life? I hope all is well with you!!