Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cool Pictures
at least I was glad to see them

The last time I saw a picture of our cousin's son, Shawn, it was in the November, 2006 Ensign. Fresh off his mission, it was cool to see him at conference and taking notes.
Since spring 2007 he's been living in Croatia, with his wife Drazenka. There are a lot of Visa problems, red tape, government agencies involved, but as of yet, they have not been able to return to the States. This week the States came to them. I have to admit, somewhere in between our Las Vegas hepatitis problem, and the dueling democrats, I heard The Pres was on a foreign trip, but I hadn't really paid attention to his itinerary. Seems he made a stop in Croatia and Shawn and Drazenka had front-of-the-crowd seats and were able to shake hands with President Bush.

It will be great when they can make their way back to the U.S.


Rebekah Mills said...

he looks so much like calvin in the bottom picture!

Jenn Shields said...

SHAWN! My bestest friend, whom I tried to call all the time but the stinker wouldn't call me back. Little did I know he was running off to Croatia to be married! I miss him. Come home.

PS. Cute Bride!