We gathered for Scotty's favorite meal tonight: Steak, mashed potatoes, and creamed corn. As he opened the first gift revealing a tie, Matt's comment was, "Oh, yeah, this is that 19th birthday that has all the fun gifts."
Six ties:
Missionary Reference Library:
This evening was certainly quieter than past birthday's for Scott. I'm surprised he didn't ask for a trip to LV Mini Grand Prix. From the time he was 3 up to 17 every year the 'boys' in the family went there for Scott's birthday. It certainly was quieter than last year's birthday bash with 150 of his closest friends.
Drew was excited to come celebrate with Scotty too:
Scott's girlfriend, Catherine, snuck in and decorated Scott's room super cute for the day:
Happy Birthday Day, Scotty, we love you.
(Jenn put up a nice slide show on her blog, and Ashley has a picture of Scott & Charlie I hadn't seen before.)
I'm glad I never had to have the "missionary" birthday, I guess there is one thing good about being a girl. Happy B-Day Bro!
Happy Birthday, Scotty!
Wow, I can't believe these kids are getting this old. Love the updates!!!
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