January is known as birthday month around our house and it begins with the two most important people to the clan - Ron & I. This last weekend was just perfect for us. I woke up Saturday morning with really no plans for the day, and it ended up being such a fun time. Jenn & I started out shopping, no sense letting our Kohl's bucks go to waste.
Jenn & Jordan took us out to dinner at Maggianos - it was so good.

In the evening all the kids came over to have cake and sing to me for my birthday. I found a package of birthday fortune cookies on my porch from the Relief Society.
A milestone in the kitchen. The UGLY tall rectangular restaurant-style 33-gal. trashcan that has been a part of our family kitchen for easily 15 years was retired to the garage and replaced with a shiny stainless steel 13 gal. model. Every gift from the kids was just perfect. They all did great to remember this National Family Holiday.
Sunday was Ron's birthday. Ashley held our family Sunday dinner at her house. More presents for Ron and hot fudge brownie sundaes. Thanks, Ashley, it was great.
Thursday Ron & I are shopping for my main gift/new year's resolution. Hmmmm, Ron in a music store - should be interesting. The other days are going to start blending together I'm afraid. Friday is yank wisdom teeth day for Scotty (and ward temple night/dessert at our house), Monday is a doctor's physical for his mission papers. Scotty's birthday is next week. The following week is the girls' birthdays.
I think there has to be a calling that could wrap up the sunday problem. Usher, carpet roller outer, shhhhher. I don't know but there are plenty of people that don't have callings. Happy Birthday to you!!! If you like fried onions, try the onion straws at Lucille's. It is at the District in Henderson. Yum-o. Not just the onions are good, but everything about it is good.
Sounds like you are truly spoiled for your birthday, as you should be!! Can't wait to see what this big gift/resolution thing is.
And I've never heard of Maggiano's - where is it? Is it Italian?
Maggiano's in the Fashow Show Mall - is my all time favorite restuart! Glad you guys had a great BDay, it was fun shopping!
Is Scott going to go on a mission?
Scott, enjoy the drugs. You'll be livin' like a true rockstar!
Yes. He's doing the paperwork now. It should be submitted to Salt Lake City by the end of the month, and middle to end of February he'll know where he's going. I'll let you know when it get closer - tomorrow he gets his wisdom teeth out, which is one of the requirements to go (they don't want them to have dental problems the two years they're gone.)
Wow, alrighty then. Good Luck Scott! With the teeth and the papers :)
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