The Little People Weekend
Matt & Ashley went to Phoenix for the weekend to attend the wedding of a friend and relax. That means Ron & I got to play with two of the little people in our life.
Thursday night:
Peter Piper Pizza. It was Ron, Scott and myself against Drew and Charlie. We needed the 3 on 2 because as you can see from the picture, Drew was just a blur of excitement in that place! Skee ball was a little scary, he couldn't grasp the concept of rolling the ball up the ramp and they were flying all over the place. The mario carts video game was great fun as long as I stuck my foot in and controled the accelerator. His favorite at the end of the night was a Star Wars game. Again, he needed a little help with me controling one of the joysticks, but he thought it was cool to fly through space shooting things. Charlie was very content in the rolling high chair just watching everybody. When we picked up the pizza, I poured Drew an orange soda thinking that was the least of the evils since Ashley doesn't give them sugar drinks. Drew took one taste and said, "This is gross. Can I have some water?" Grandma must remember to bring water bottles on all future outings.
Thursday night was rough sleeping for Charlie, so I knew she'd take a good morning nap. Friday morning Drew and I headed to Target where he picked out a remote control bull dozer (D9 grandpa says) and we found a riding airplane type of noisy thing for Charlie. The new toys kept them busy all the rest of the day. I guess I better explain that Scott was home with sleeping Charlie - I didn't forget how to take care of kids and randomly leave the house w/out her.

Saturday we decided to go to
Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix. This by far was the funnest thing we've ever done with Drew. This little guy was so excited.

Our own speed racer.

I took him on this twirly ride twice. The whole time he would be screaming "I'm flying!" Charlie was again very content hanging out in the stroller.
Matt & Ashley drove into town just as we were finishing up at the Mini Grand Prix and they joined us for dinner at Outback.
I don't know how all these mothers of young kids take such great pictures of all their family activities. It was all I could do to keep up with Drew, keep an eye on Charlie, grab Drew and get him back in line, give Charlie a drink/check diaper, explain the rules of the ride to Drew -- how do you take pictures too?
For now, our limit is definately one toddler and one very content stroller rider.
Next weekend, little person #3 will be here!