Saturday, September 26, 2009

The CREATE Video On My Sidebar

"In the end, the number of prayers we say
may contribute to our happiness,
but the number of prayers we answer
may of even greater importance."
Today is the General Relief Society Broadcast. I love this meeting. I have attended almost all of them since they started with President Kimball in the late '70s. Each meeting will bring messages that touch your heart. Last year was no different.
My inner conversation had started at least 18 months before. Do any of you carry on these conversations with yourself? Searching, wondering, thinking about it. In the end, for me they always lead to feeling sorry for myself. You'd think I'd stop having these conversations! But sometimes things just strike you and you just mull it over and think about it. 18 months before I had bought a Christmas CD which I loved. I read about the artist and it dawned on me she had fully developed her talent, she went to school, she worked professionally, and she was raising a lovely family. Then came the bad thought: Why didn't I do that? A couple of months later I was talking to a friend at church and she was talking about how she was playing in a community orchestra one night a week. She had had all three children while playing in this orchestra. Again, Why didn't I keep it up? I could have done that. I would have really enjoyed that.
Then in the midst of all the negative thoughts a couple of points rose to the surface, 1) You can still do it. 2) You did the best you could - you were a little busy with a young family, and for you that was what you could handle.
"Creating and being compassionate
are two activities that we as
His spirit children can and should emulate."
I decided I could still do it. I could have picked up my flute, practiced up, and kept going, but I kind of wanted to try a different instrument. And if I get a do-over, I'd like to play the harp. It seems so cool. So I researched a little. Found a teacher. Purchased a harp, and got started.
That was June. Four months later in September I had gone through the summer lessons and I was terrible! Not really terrible, but a beginner. I was discouraged I didn't have the time to practice like I used to in high school. I figured out that back then, my life was totally my own, so if I practiced all afternoon, no big deal. But now. There are demands. Things to take care of and do. I can't just drop everything and practice. So frusterating. Also, just because you can play an instrument, why did I think I'd be able to play another one at the same level? Weird brain of mine. I was wondering if I had made a mistake, who was I to think I could do this?
"Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment.
We develop ourselves and others when we
take unorganized matter into our hands and
mold it into something of beauty."
As Pres. Uchtdorf began to speak, it was as if the topic was chosen for me. His words calmed the inner turmoil I had been feeling for 18 months. I hadn't missed out on anything. I had been busy creating a family. And now, I can learn to create music again. And don't be so critical of yourself. and... and... and...
"I also pray that the Holy Ghost
will amplify my words and bestow
upon them additional meaning, insight, and inspirations."
Thank you.
It was nice of the church to create a little video of my personal message! I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you as well.
Full text here.

As for the harp lessons - they continue on. It is harder than I ever imagined. There are so many technical things that happen besides just playing notes. Little nuances in hand position. I have a problem placing my thumbs higher and bringing my fingers in flat, it's a constant weekly comment in my notebook. I'm excited to be learning. Sometimes I just can't practice as much as I'd like, and I don't beat myself up about it, there are times when being compassionate trumps being creative.

That is the story of why I have the Create video on my sidebar. I can't wait to hear today's talks and what my inspiration for this next year will be.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I failed last week, wait, 10 days ago! to give a proper Birthday Shout Out to Jordan. Happy Birthday Jordan!

Last Saturday Charlie came and spent some time with me. I was on the couch with my broken ankle so I wasn't doing a lot of playing, just observing. She kept me entertained. At this point, she had decided it was times to give her little ponies a drink of water. She kept handing me the Wii controler and wanted to play with it, but I don't know how to work any game consoles, so we just stuck with the ponies and coloring.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Brad,

Our convo Monday went something like this:

B-rad: you know that lady that was in a plane crash with her husband, you read her blog?
The Mom: Nie-Nie?
B-rad: yeah, she's going to be on Oprah Thursday.
The Mom: Oh, really. I don't watch Oprah, but I'll have to tape it that day. I'd like to hear what she has to say.

Uh, I taped it. It's Jay-Z and Barbra.

Thanks to the beauty of DDR, I could fast forward through the interview w/Jay-Z because, Oprah really doesn't interview, she talks at her guests the whole time. They should have shown more of the Crazy in Love video, less talking. BUT the funniest was the fact that Oprah, with all her millions, can't bounce!!! Can you believe it? Oh, so, sad. I can bounce better than her.

Then comes the Barbra interview. I slow down and think I'll listen. I like her. (not that I don't like Jay-Z but it's just the whole Oprah interview style that sends me over the top.) Then they start showing pictures of Barbra's vacation food. hit fast forward. Wait, they're laughing, back up. Play. Barbra says something about success doesn't change you, it brings out more of what you already are....And Oprah, OH. MY. GOSH. She's says, "I said that."


There, I feel better.

More fast forwarding...Barbra doll...awwwwe, here's her singing. Now I know what I can get your grandma for her b-day next month. I've been pondering that all week, she's oh, so hard to buy for. A new Barbra CD, she'll like that.

So let's review: Jay-Z, brief moments of good music, lots of flapping Oprah mouth, no bouncability, Barbra, singing.....No Nie-Nie.

Thanks for the tip and allowing me to only have to actually listen to about 10 mintues out of an hour of Oprah. And you think Glen Beck is irritating?

Love, Mom

P.S. Funny spoof

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I've been so busy

hopping on crutches

more updates to come

This makes two posts in a row showing my feet. That's just somehow wrong.

Friday, September 04, 2009


Yesterday was just one of those days. Started at 4 a.m. and ended at 10:45 p.m. Appointments and responsibilities stacked up on top of each other. I was exausted when I returned home at 10:45. And Kruger was hopping around and begging me to take him on a bike ride. Can you believe it? I was dog tired, but I had to take the dog for a jog. Just after 11, I fell into bed. I reached for my laptop to check email for the day. And that was it. I was out. No blog reading for me on the 3rd.

Do you know what I missed on the 3rd? I didn't realize it till the morning of the 4th when I started on to a few of my daily clicks. There it was, on my first click. A post referencing ME, on my favorite blog. Wow. Hollar!!!

So, here it is, check out my mini fame. Don't read Nat the Fat Rat? You really should. And order one of her custom onesie's while you're at it so she doesn't have to go get another soul-sucking job.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Loyalties and Flip Flops

I miss our old ward and stake. And to all that have sent messages of hello - right back at you. We're hoping to drop in on Chicken on the Hill for some fabulous food, visiting and cooler weather.

It's not that I'm not happy to be in the Highland Hills Stake, I'm just . . .new. I haven't been to any stake meetings yet, don't really know the Stake Presidency. I'm well seasoned enough to know that they are men called of God, and give it some time, you'll love them. But I wasn't there yet. I was just attending my meetings and trying to meet new people.

This Sunday, in one brief moment, it happened. I fell in LOVE with the Highland Hills Stake. Isn't it cool how the process works? A simple written announcement, that not many people noticed, caught my eye. It was as if the Stake sent out a personal welcome to me!

I took my back row seat in Relief Society and was handed an announcement sheet. There, buried after the scrapbooking, cannery order, play group, and cub scout activities was this little gem:

"RS GENERAL BROADCAST: The Stake Relief Society is hold a dinner and then viewing the broadcast on September 26th. Dinner will start at 6 p.m. They will be holding a "flip-flop" and "sidewalk chalk" drive. Please bring in donations of these items. Also, they encourage us to wear a summer dress with flip flops that evening."

Do you see that? Flip Flops. I've just been given permission to wear flip flops to church!!! Woot.

Oh the possibilities, which ones shall I wear? Today I was sporting the brown beaded pair. Blue paisley, plain black? So many choices, so little time. I know, I know, a pedicure is in order, I tried yesterday but my favorite foot handler, Tammy, took a day off. I'll get in sometime soon.

But I digress. This announcement is monumental in my world., to wear flip flops. To church.

I will bring sidewalk chalk. I will bring flip flops. I will wear a summer dress and this evening, flip flops. As I sit in the chapel in my flip flops, I will soak up the words of love and encouragment from living prophets of God.

And then come Sunday, I will follow an Apostle's admonition, and put my flip flops aside in leiu of my "Sunday best"

I'm going to LOVE this Stake.